Hotels & Motels
Description :-
This mom / pop motel is clean and friendly. A good place for those wanting a motel, but in the lower price range. Located across the street from the boat harbor makes it easy access to the activities in the boat harbor. No restaurant at the motel, but there are a few places to eat in the boat harbor. The lower priced rooms at 150.00 are from the original motel and are regularly being upgraded. The newer rooms are 170.00 to 190.00. These rooms include microwaves and refrig. Plus 11% tax and 10.00 for each additional person per room more than two people. Open year round, winter price can be as low as 45.00.
Directions :-
Traveling south on the Seward Highway from Anchorage (120 miles), as you enter Seward go about 1 – 2 miles. They on the right side of the road. On the corner or 3rd Avenue (the highway) and Phoenix Road, across the street from the small boat harbor.